Valerie Stone-Independent Damsel in Defense Pro

Valerie Stone-Independent Damsel in Defense Pro

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Things aren't moving at snails pace.

June starts tomorrow and it is looking quite busy. I have a feeling June is going to FLY BY!
So this Evening corporate sends out some exciting emails. First...We are now offering a NEW Start Up Kit to those that live in Stun Gun restricted areas!  YAYY!!  It goes like this.

Fire & Ice Startup Kit

We have been inundated by a number of you who have potential recruits in states where stun guns are restricted. We are pleased to let everyone know that we will now be offering another Startup Kit in addition to the Knight In Shining Armor kit. Our "Fire & Ice” Startup Kit will be for those Damsel Recruits who are residents in the following areas. Please know that Damsel Pros outside or these restricted areas will not be eligible for this Startup Kit.

Connecticut * Hawaii  * New Jersey  * Rhode Island * Annapolis, MD
 Baltimore, MD * Baltimore County, MD * Chicago, IL
Denison/Crawford County, IA * Philadelphia, PA * Washington DC

This new kit will include the following and be priced at  $109 plus Free Shipping
2- "Hardcore" Pepper Sprays
3- "Pouch O Pepper" Sprays
4- "Sock It To Me" Kubotans
1- "Holla At Me" Alarm
1- "Road Trip" Auto Tool
1- "Step Off" Door Alarm
1- "Where's Yo Baby" Kid Tracker
25- Brochures
25- Order Forms
50- Business Cards

We are growing by leaps and bounds and I love watching the growth and change.  With the great bunch of people from the founders to the reps and everyone in between, we have no where to go but UP.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Dear Damsels,
We should always be on the lookout for potential attackers. Here are some tips on how to recognize them before you become their victim. Red flags are...
-Someone who seems out of place for the situation or location.
-Someone who is in your personal space
-Someone that doesn't make eye contact with you
-Someone who displays inappropriate friendliness
-Someone who appears needy ("my life isn't going well, everything is all messed up, can you help?" me etc.)
-Someone who has physically aggressive body language
and finally...
-Someone that just gives you the gut feeling that they are bad news.
As always stay Safe & Sassy!
Daphne Damsel

I love her tips! It's nothing we don't already know but it helps to be reminded from time to time. With our busy and hectic lives most of the time we are only thinking of what it is that we need to do next and we only think of these things when we are already in an uncomfortable situation.
Lets take the time to be aware of our surroundings and TRUST OUR GUT! It can change your life.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

What did I tell you? 600 Damsel Pros Nationwide!! The April Start up Special really was a big hit and added over 100 more Pro's out there. It's always a bummer when you miss that limited time special on anything.  I've been wanting to get my Bearded Dragon a bigger cage, and Petsmart had the one I would like to get, on sale for a limited time but I was out of work and my money had to stretch till I was payed again and by then the sale was over! Grrr... Drives me CRAZY!
Well...Good News, Damsel in Defense is now offering the Knight in Shinning Armor Kit for $179.00.
Here is their email sent to their Damsel Pros.

Ladies & Gentlemen…

You asked and we are answering! We've been inundated with requests and the Management Team met this morning and decided that we WILL continue to keep the start up kit cost permanently at the $179 special that you all love so much. We know everyone feels the growing pains we are experiencing in one area or another and we are more than willing to do what we can to make you happy in the areas that we do have control over.

Best of Blessings,

The Management Team
Damsel In Defense

  Oh and YES the offer stays the same they will still receive FREE Shipping!

Email me at if you would like to be part of this great opportunity and wonderful company.

Stay Safe and Sassy!
Valerie Stone

 Two Review to check out too. =-)

Damsel in Defense – The Difference Between Selling and Sharing

Damsel in Defense Review – A Legitimate Company?


Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Over 500 Independent Damsel Pros!!

Wow!! Crazy! Ive been so busy I haven't been keeping up with my Computer duty's so I apologize.
We are now well over 500 Pros and with the April's Sign up Special that Mindy and Bethany are up to their ears in Rep Agreements and sending out all the new reps the Knight in Shining armor kits. So, I bet by the end of the week we could be up to 600 Pros!   Whoohoo!
We are growing so fast and people really love the Protection Party's and our Damsel Products. Yesterday, leaving the market, I hear a lady say "I just had a Damsel Party!"  Now there are only 4 Damsel Pro out here in the A.V. so my first guess on who her Pro is was easy. LOL We talked for a bit, and she just raved about the products.  Well, Ya!  We don't say "Safe and Sassy" cause it sounds good. How many people can say "I had a Direct Sale Party at my house and I bought a Pink Stun Gun and a Peppery Spay that looks like a lip stick".

So, I did manage to get my STORE Open on my Facebook page.  Yes, a STORE. I was so excited that I can now make it a bit easier for my customers to get my products. so, you'll need to check it out. =-) But I do encourage product knowledge before buying any of the products. They all come with instruction but if you're like me, you wont read them till your over your head. So please email me, call me, what ever and ask question. I can even Skype with you if you need you'd like. =-)

Ok..Well, I'm sure I will be telling you about the 600 Pro we have now by the end of the week, so I'm off for now.
Stay Safe and Sassy!  xo